Meningitis is passed from person to person who are in close contact via nasal or throat droplets, for example by coughing, sneezing or kissing. The meningitis ACWY vaccination protects you against infection from the A, C, W and Y types of bacteria.

  • When to get vaccinated: If you are getting vaccinated prior to going to a risk area you should aim to get the jab at least two weeks before.
  • Course: The course consists of one dose.
  • Boosters: Boosters aren’t currently recommended. However, you can get a booster five years after your last jab if you need it for a meningitis ACWY certificate.
  • How it is given: Injection in the upper arm.
  • Side effects: The ACWY vaccine can cause mild side effects, such as redness and swelling at the injection site and tiredness. Some people also report having a high temperature as a result of the injection.
  • Children: The vaccine can be given from birth.
  • Additional precautions: Early treatment is vital – if you or a fellow traveller show symptoms of meningitis, seek medical attention immediately. The ACWY vaccine does not protect against meningitis B.
  •  Risk if you contract the disease: Meningitis can cause an inflammation of the tissue around the spinal cord and brain. This can result in brain damage and death.

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